Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Houston, we have eye contact.

Yeah, it's typically that big of a deal to get Hannah to actually look in my general direction! Let me shout it from the rooftops- I got a picture of Hannah looking at me! AND it's in focus because she wasn't running away!

I was getting Hannah ready for her ballet class and it went a little something like this:

Me: Hannah, are you ready to go to dance class?

Hannah: Momma, pictures?

Me: You want me to take a picture of you in your tutu?

Hannah: Yeah! Let's go mom-ma! (exits stage right to the front door so I can take her picture)

WOW! Maybe this will be a new trend of her actually WANTING me to take her picture. I could grow to like this.....

Here's a couple of my beautiful, gorgeous brown-eyed girl. :)

Ok mom, enough with the pictures- time for ballet!

p.s. Anyone want to vote for Hannah? I entered her in the Parent's Magazine cover contest! Here's the link- be sure to give her 5 stars! There are a couple of pictures on each link so please feel free to vote away! It'd be so fun to have her win! :)
Hannah's Contest

Hannah's Contest Part 2!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Those pics of Hannah are priceless!! I love them! Great job!