Thursday, March 27, 2008

I *heart* daylight savings!

Chad, Hannah and I went to the park yesterday when I got home from work. Have I mentioned how much I'm LOVING the longer days?!! It's actually LIGHT outside when I get home from work!! It has been so nice to be able to get home and actually have options of doing things indoors OR outdoors!

So.... off we went to the park. Which park? None other than the home of the infamous "Alligator Slide" that Hannah speaks so highly of. She walks around talking about the "al-li-ga-tor slide" allll the time, silly girl! (Yup, she can say ALL that just perfectly annunciated!) Right before we left Hannah wanted to swing one last time and I noticed the absolutely gorgeous lighting there at the swing so I ran to the car and got my camera- just in time!

Look what I caught....


Mandy Go said...

PERFECT!! What a shot!! So glad you are getting some quality outdoor time with the family!!! Much love to you all!

Stephanie said...

woot woot! Work that flare girly! =)

Hope said...

this shot is AWESOME!!!