Friday, February 29, 2008

Rain boots and friends

My week of staying home with Hannah has been so much fun! We've gone on so many adventures from going to Ikea in Atlanta with Joy, Joey, Mia and Heinz to going to Cottontails with Mandy and Grace today. Let's not forget Chuck E. Cheese, the park, the bookstore, a playdate!, playing dress up at home, reading books and dinner out with friends. It's been an awesome week!

Today Hannah insisted on wearing her favorite boots and a dress which, of course, is not complete without her crown. While we were at Cottontails, she found a new friend that she calls "Baby Bunny" and she held a spot under one of Hannah's arms today. The other had trusty Bear under it. :)

Hannah's vocabulary grows by leaps and bounds every day. Yesterday we went to the park and she remembered the slide- this morning she woke up talking about the "alligator slide" and "Grace!" :)

Here's a couple of pictures of her today....

Sunday, February 10, 2008

it's Hannah!

Sorry, long time no post again. But I'm back.... with pictures of Hannah!

She and I have had a nice girls' weekend together and have been quite productive I might add. Yesterday she and I finished up her birthday shopping and got the last of the decor and her cake ordered. We then spent the afternoon organizing her room and finished our night with dinner at The Melting Pot with Joy, Hank, Joey, Mia and Heinz. :)

Here's a couple of pics of Hannah from yesterday. She was so cute- she would hear something outside and point to her ear and say "listen!" and she'd name what it was- plane, train, cat, etc. So cute!!!