Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Whew! We survived Hannah's first Christmas! Although now I'm sick. :( Here's our Christmas in a nutshell:

We went down to visit her Great-Great Grandparents and Great-Grandmother on the 23rd and then it was on to visit Chad's family for Christmas Eve and then back to our house that night so Santa could come see Hannah! Whew!

On Christmas morning we brought Hannah down to see what Santa had left for her. Out of all the gifts she got, she immediately spotted the rubber duckies and crawled over everything to get to them! Silly girl. :)

Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Tutu Cute

Hannah and I took advantage of the warm weather and played outside for a bit and I also took some pics of her in the tutu I made for her last night. She is just "tutu" cute. :)

Can you believe it was 75 degrees here in Alabama today?! Wow.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Weekend Fun

Hannah and I had a pretty fun-filled, yet relaxed weekend. On Saturday we played around the house taking pictures (what else does mommy know to do with her spare time?!) and then went to Joey's 3rd Birthday Party in Montgomery. We had such a good time! Today was pretty busy as well...... church...... lunch....... and then SHOPPING! Whew. Is it bed time yet? :)

Here's Hannah being silly in her crib......

Friday, December 15, 2006


On our photography board, the challenge of the week is to capture a picture of your baby "sleeping" and this picture immediately popped in my mind. I took this a few weeks ago of Hannah napping with her bear. She loves to cuddle with this bear.... she just looks so sweet and peaceful.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I'm officially a blogger!

I've been meaning to start a blog for so long now and just never seemed to find the extra time to actually sit down and create it. You can all thank my friend, Jaidean, for giving me the extra push to get this up and running. I'm still very new to this so bare with me (but so far this seems far easier than I thought it would be!) I would love to keep this site updated frequently so that you all can see Hannah and how she grows and learns new things every day. She is so amazing....